

Friday, August 19, 2016

Of Autumn and Fae and Crystals, Oh My

faerie queen by Brian Fraud

 The Wheel is turning and the veil thins- I keep catching flitters and flutterings of other realms from the corners of my eyes. The Fae draw near and I hear their whispers and muted conversations from the trees and meadows. They don't seem to venture to the beaches of the Great Lake- that is the realm of The Lady and not theirs to walk it would seem.
  With this thinning I find myself hyper alert and tingly- my skin prickles and thrums with incoming information and vibrations of passing Spirits. There is so much activity that it amazes me everyone doesn't feel this. But they don't. In fact, most don't. And a few of those will read this magical mystical ramble and worry for my sanity _smile_  But for those of you that know me - sanity aside!- you know that I revel in the Power of this time. I am not a 'Springtime- throw white light at it - gentle type of Witch'. I gather my strength and my power from the extremes- storms off the Lake, thunder & Lightening, bright and full moons, the inky darkness of the New Moon,brightly hot summer days,and fog as thick as pea soup.
by wendy fraud

  In a week I will be attending the ParaCon (paranormal convention) in Sault St Marie, Michigan. I've already gathered my arsenal of cleansing and shielding products as I fear there will be many many types of people and energies roaming about the convention center. Physical and non alike. Add to that 2 nights in hotel room and I'm a little nervous. Hotel rooms are prime spots for 'astral nasties' that hang out and feed on folks' fears and worries. Think of it as a buffet of sorts for those types of entities- every night a new, fresh psyche open and ready and throwing out all of its hopes, fears, and thoughts as it sleeps. I've had some truly awful experiences in hotel rooms and now arrive prepared.
How so?
This is what I carry:
Florida Water in a spray bottle -- I Spritz the room to cleanse it
Blessed Salt - I sprinkle (lightly) around the perimeter and in the corners to seal it
A large Crystal - placed next to my bed and charged to absorb any negativity that may still be floating about.
My Own Psychic Shield Soap - used to zip up my aura and keep any roaming astral nasties away
Psychic Shield Soap in the mold. 

While at home I make generous use of candles and incense but its not a good idea to light things in a hotel room so the list above has become my go-to for making the room cleane and safe.

During the convention itself another large crystal will sit on the vending table and I will have protective stones on my person. Throughout the day these will be run under cool water to clear them. At night they will be placed in blessed salt to charge for the next day's vending.

While it may seem excessive to some -these precautions and rituals -I have found them to be absolutely essential to my physical and psychic health. I am a sensitive and an empath and far to easy for other energies (human and non) to access. In previous posts I have discussed the need to care for oneself psychically. Even if you are not a terribly "sensitive" person, if you are a Witch chances are you are utilizing and moving energy. Physically you will begin to feel the effects of energy that you have absorbed if you do not have a standard ritual for cleansing and clearing.  Check out the previous post dedicated to this or comment with any questions...

 So all of that aside, I love this time of year :-) Its ripe and juicy and so very much alive with the bounty of this realm and the movement of the other realms. The light here is golden and mellow and the air is gentle and caressing.  The Fae, especially, are available now and I commune and communicate with Them often until Midwinter... while terrible tricksters and having a sense of humor that is often at Humans' expense I have found them to be interesting companions and help-mates this time of year.
 Here's to Autumn! And to understanding the need for Psychic Health, and for good home made soap and for Flitterings and Flutterings. May It Always Be So...