

Monday, October 12, 2015

Practical Magics

" I'm restless. Things are calling me away. My hair is being pulled by the stars again.” Anaise Nin

The veil thins and the visits begin... along with the anxiety and feelings of walking partly here and partly elsewhere. 

October and its energy is why I embraced witchcraft as my path. For what I see and feel it was leave the path of Christianity or be labeled forever demon-possessed. At 26 having read a little book called "magical herbalism" by Scott Cunningham I was able to make the connection between what I was and the nature and gardening I adored and I stepped off of one path and onto another. I've never looked back. My life opened and blossomed and I was blessed by the Old Gods in that I no longer had to be frightened or ashamed of who and what I was.  

But back to October and the energies that swirl like so many garnet colored leaves... The Spirits that visit this time of year are a varied sort; some are known to me but not with me throughout the year. Some are ancient; from other places and times and bring messages and images that confound me. Some are relatives I have known in this life who have passed on and some visits are from the living who cannot control their wanderings on blustery nights. The Fae are out at this time of year as well. They delight in the seasonal access to this realm and sit outside of rituals and spells like so many moths to a flame. Soon the Courts of The Fae will change and the darker citizens will rule; it is the nature of things. 

While I see and communicate with other realms and spirits throughout the year the sheer number of energies coming through between now and mid November cause me physical feelings of anxiety- jumpy, nerve endings over taxed ,and sleep is fitful if I don't take care. Over the years I've learned how to head this off so that I not only enjoy this most sacred and festive time but don't become ill either.


Grounding and Centering
This is the back-to-basic witchcraft 101 approach. It is simple and effective and should become second nature to those on this Path - or any person on any path who is sensitive/empathic. Without being grounded and centered HERE -within THIS reality- the physical and mental self will suffer. 
So how is it done?

First - BREATHE. 
Breathe deeply in and out three or four times. Really feel and follow the breath.  
 Next stand straight and plant the soles of your feet onto the floor or ground. If you are comfortable barefoot (or if climate allows it) that is fine, but its not necessary. Wiggle each toe and feel its connection to the ground or floor. Breath deeply again. Become aware of your diaphragm and the solar plexus region. Now mentally reach out from your body and feel the scattered energies of yourself. On the next inhale gather these all up and pull them back into your diaphragm region. You may feel a warmth or tingling and your shoulders will often square and settle. Now visualize your auric field and smooth it out patching up any openings or thin places. If you are feeling sad or anxious try infusing it with a calming color such as pink. Breath deeply three more times-in through the nose out through the mouth- and your're done. 
   Grounding and Centering protects you from unwanted energies affecting your auric and physical self, it keeps your energies close to you so that the feelings of anxiety lesson.  If you are a sensitive who sends out your energies as 'feelers' it is vitally important that once you have gathered the information you were after that you bring those energies back to yourself.
 With practice this will become second nature though full rituals and guided meditations can be incorporated.

Honoring The Mighty Dead
   If The Dead become super chatty for you this time of year it is pointless (and rude) to ignore them. You will also miss out on interesting conversations :-) However, because their chatty times are not always conducive with my much needed sleep times I will erect a special altar to Them for this time of the year. Mine is quite basic as I'm not really sure who  will be visiting but you can do a specific alter honoring a particular ancestor or family line if you so choose.
   For the basic 'welcome to my home' version you will need a small table top or dresser. A white cloth, a crystal or glass bowl of fresh water, a small plate or saucer ,fresh flowers (I like to use seasonal varieties) , incense, and a white candle. 
Lay the white cloth on the surface and arrange the other items in a way that is pleasing to you. Your altar should be placed in the most western area of the room.
 In the evening stand before this altar, ground and center, light the candle and the incense and say 
"Welcome to those who come in Love and Honor for the Highest Good of those who Live here. Please enjoy the water, the incense, the flowers and the flame. I have provided ___________ (a small cake or part of your evening meal placed on the saucer) for your nourishment. Be Welcome in Love and Honor- I thank you for the messages and images that you bring."
Do this an hour or so before you plan to go to bed for the night. I don't suggest placing this altar in your bedroom- the chattering will keep you awake lol. 
Before you go to bed extinguish all lit items thoroughly. Never leave candles and incenses burning unattended.
Your sleep should be peaceful but your dreams should be written down for the messages and images that your visitors bring to you. 

The Mundane but Important
*Regular exercise--Walk, jog, yoga, --what have you. But get moving! 
*Eat Well - if you are feeling over whelmed with spirit energies this time of year eat more protein, it will aid in the grounding of your own energies and leave you less 'open'.
* Journal - write it down, ramble away! No one will read this but you but it might do you well to get it out of your head
*Shower - use a slice of fresh lemon or a handful of sea salt to energetically and physically cleanse your body.
*Get enough sleep.
Taking care of yourself is a sign of maturity and one who is walking the path of the Adept. There is no honor in martyring ones self to the path of the empath or sensitive. I often read and hear of those new to this claiming to have short circuited or who have become so overwhelmed with errant energies that they become ill- this is unnecessary. A strong and powerful Witch is healthy and in control of his or her own energies- not at the mercy of others. 

A note about feeling anxious -
Over the years I have noticed that physical feelings of anxiousness often herald spirit activity; be it an active house or structure, an attempt at communication or magical workings by other Witches. My body will react with the same physical sensations as a bout of anxiety. This was important information for me to realize- before I did I darn near almost lost it! So what do I do? I acknowledge that my body is feeling this - that is important! MY BODY is having a feeling, I am not really feeling anxious; ie.: there is nothing to be afraid of. Then I ground and center. If I can pin point the place of activity I do so, if not I button myself up energetically and go about my day. 
  Why am I telling you this? Because I fear that so many truly sensitive people out there are mistaking the physical signs of energies reacting with their own as Anxiety Disorder or ADD/ADHD and medicate unnecessarily. Please don't go gathering the pitchforks- I am in NO way suggesting that these disorders are not real and that folks don't legitimately suffer from them and find true relief with medication. What I am suggesting is that the tenant KNOW YOURSELF applies here- if you are an empath or a sensitive with spirit abilities try to determine your physical reactions to these energies. 

So there it is-- some practical magic and techniques for moving calmly and happily through the thinning veils of October..

Happy Autumn, Witches

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