

Monday, October 24, 2016

I dreamed last night that I died....


   Well, that got your attention, didn't it? But its true.In the very early morning hours I dreamed that I was on either the 5th or the 10th floor balcony of a building (i'm not sure which and I'm not sure yet why those numbers are important) that exploded/came down. I was simultaneously on the balcony and watching from a distance. From a distance I watched the building come down and myself on the balcony and for some reason believed I had survived it. I got onto a motor cycle driven by a friend I once had (who 'in real life' died several years ago) and we road off. The next part was that I was wandering the lobby of a nearby building and feeling very anxious that I did not have my purse or my phone and no way to contact my family to let them know that I was OK. It seemed odd that we survivors were just left to our own devices with no help centers set up for us.I was also very thirsty. I found a (in real life) friend in her hotel room and asked her for a bottle of water but she ignored me. I noticed her youngest son specifically and he saw me but I couldn't get anyone to get me any water.
  I wandered for a bit then found myself in another hotel room with the family of a man who I met once in 'real life' but is known from some ghost hunting shows. I honestly never have thought of him one way or the other except that the one time I met him in person that he was very kind and funny. So in my dream I wind up in his family's hotel room. The whole family- his wife, a son (that I don't now if he even has in real life) are snuggled in bed and I lie down between him and his son. He smiled very kindly at me and I remember being so relieved that someone saw me. I asked for water and he gave me some juice then announced that he was wondering why I (he used my name in the dream) was out wandering around on such a beautiful Sunday morning. I was embarrassed that I had intruded on his family-time but then realized that he was the only one who knew I was there. I began to wake up from the dream and as I awoke realized that I had died when the building came down.

 So- what to make of it. Obviously one does not die when they dream of their own death because here I am on my 2nd cup of coffee typing this all out for you to read. Though I have to admit that I was quite discombobulated upon coming to full wakefulness. That means that 'I died' is not a literal interpretation here- thank goodness!
  I've been awake a couple of hours now just kind of letting that dream settle as well as deciding
 1.) whether to share it and 2.) which blog to share it on. Obviously I decided to share it and I chose the esoteric Persephone's Folly blog so as to not frighten the heck out of my more literal, mundane friends and family .

 This is what I have made of this rather dramatic dream - To start it is a moving picture narrative of the Tower Card in Tarot. That is about the *only* literal interpretation that I will give for the dream. Do I think a building will literally collapse with me in it sometime soon- no. (Though we are traveling in a week and I will probably request a ground floor room in the hotel where we stay -better safe than sorry!) But, no- I don't believe the dream was prophetic of a disaster or my death. I do believe that my Guides were giving me a slap upside the head to pay attention and to stop down-playing the effects that so many changes are having on my life and energy.

The old ways are done therefore the old ways of doing things are done. 
~~Adjust. Adapt ~~

There was also the message that I must start taking care of myself- get nourishment ( the juice) pay attention to who *really sees me* - recognize that the foundations are shifting and act accordingly.

 ~~~ Having just finished that paragraph a very clear (both of my dogs reacted) bell rang. There is no TV or radio on and there are no outside sounds;the neighbors are all at work Just one chime. It was very much an affirmation. Dione Fortune has written about 'the astral bell' - think its time to read up on that ~~~

Dreams are endlessly fascinating to me- whether seen as 'housecleaning' by the subconscious, visits from passed on loved one's, or messages from Guides there is no shortage of information and suggestions when it comes to them. Over the years I have learned that the VERY FIRST thing to pay attention to is how I FEEL about the dream: if it seems significant then it more than likely is.

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